My PHP development Book List (Advanced)
Advance your PHP knowledge...
I hope you all enjoyed my recommendations on PHP books for beginners. I now give you my list for more advanced books that will take you further into the world of PHP programming and development.1. I touched upon this book in the beginners book list, but feel like it should be mentioned upon more here. Advanced PHP 5 by Larry Ullman would be the first book I would start to read if I was to go in to more Advanced PHP 5 programming and the reasons are as follows. It has great reference chapters on XML, Ajax and OOP - all of which I would recommend you move on to with more detailed books (some of which are listed below). Each chapter is (relatively) light weight and will give you a good grounding in the subject.
2. The next book I would take a look at is PHP Object-Oriented Solutions by David Powers for friends of Ed. This is a brilliant book, I didn't learn OOP from this book, but from looking at it retrospectively I wished I had. It's great book to learn from and (chapter 2 especially) works as a great reference manual should you need it.
You quickly realise when you are building your applications that you often have retype lots and lots of code. OOP is based on code reusability and modularity so that once you have classes in place, the hard work is done. OOP is also good for those who have to keep one eye on the profitability of their business i.e. free lance developers. With OOP in PHP, you can use common classes so that your time can be utilised in a more efficient manner.
I recommend OOP to all people learning PHP, it may take you more time in the early stages when you are designing and building your class, but once the classes are finished you will find your projects running far smoother. Getting one's head around OOP can be tricky so, unless you can do it in another language I would leave this until you really feel comfortable with the language before you proceed.
3. To learn Ajax with PHP I would use Ajax And PHP Building Responsive Web Applications by Cristian Darie et. all. If you managed to master many of the concepts in JavaScript and PHP then this shouldn't be too hard a book to digest. Not only does teach you about Ajax and how to use it with PHP and MySQL, it also gives you real life examples of concepts that can be used in most modern websites.
N.B. I would suggest that you work through at least some of the chapters in the previous book as this Ajax book does use PHP OOP concepts.
Ajax is a brilliant concept and again, it is something that I would recommend all developers to at least try. Not only does it add that all important visual flair to pages, it also has other benefits too. If server loads are an issue, either through the amount of data or instructions they can handle it helps as only the parts of a page that are needed are sent from the server, rather than the server having to send the whole page again.
Labels: Ajax, applications, beginners, books, developers, MySQL, OOP, PHP, web development
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