Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My PHP development Book List (Beginners)

Learning PHP and web development from scratch...

Learning a new language can be difficult, especially when you haven't got someone looking over your shoulder trying to help you. That is why we have text books and believe me, some are definitely better than others. This is not just a statement based on 1 example, there were numerous times throughout my time at university that we were given a recommended reading list and the books that were supposed to help, were in fact just being endorsed by some unscrupulous lecturer who wanted to line their pockets - though this could never be proven. If you are reading this as a student, then please before you buy a book that has been 'recommended' take a look at some reviews on web sites that are freely available, after all £30 of your loan cheque is quite sizeable. I have numerous books that were truly awful and have never seen the light of day since the 13 times I attempted to read them.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand:

Here are a list of books I would use to start learning PHP and web development from scratch. You may disagree with me and that's fine, I may open comments on this post, so please do leave me your choices. You may find that I recommend the same published on numerous occasions, I am endorsing any published over another and all recommendations are purely my opinion based on my own experiences.

1. Start at the beginning - Learn (X)HTML - I was a fresh faced first year when I started learning HTML and loved it almost immediately. I had never done any real programming at this point and found it awe inspiring that you could write something in Notepad, refresh it in a browser and there you go, rendered immediately and outputting your thoughts to the world. The book I used for this was by a lady named Elizabeth Castro called 'HTML 4 for the World Wide Web' which was published in 1999 by Peachpit Press. It has of course been updated for the modern age of W3C standards and is now called HTML, XHTML, and CSS by the same author. This is a fantastic book, moves a manageable pace and unlike then will help you learn HTML and CSS all in one go, rather than how I learnt the two technologies years ago when CSS was just a bit of an extra to be used in your HTML. Technically HTML isn't programming, you are writing Markup but it will get used to many things that as a programmer will be using later on in your career i.e. attributes, properties (in CSS) and referencing different parts of your code.

2. It's another Peachpit publication, this time from Larry Ullmang. PHP and MySQL is now in its third editon and is still going strong. I have had to buy this a couple of times (different editions) as I still use for it a little bit of reference. My first edition was worn out very quickly, constant flicking through the pages and index to find what I need took its toll and as a result my first copy is in numerous parts.

Larry is a great programmer and teacher (as I have mentioned in other posts) as he can teach without laying too much on the student. He also has another more advanced PHP book which will advance your knowledge over a number of key subjects, i.e. OOP in PHP and Ajax with PHP. I would recommend that you build a number of sites first before you tackle that book as it can be heavy going in places. The advanced book is definitely more of reference manual and can be dipped in and out of, rather than the PHP MySQL which I would recommend reading in its natural order.

3. Now that you have hopefully sites coming together. I would recommend taking a look at JavaScript. Javascript has had its ups and downs (mainly due to unscrupulous coders and hackers) but has since had a well deserved revival. I like Javascript, it adds an extra dimension to a web site and makes a site feel more like a desktop application than a website (even more so when Ajax is used). However it can be a quirky language, some of the naming and referencing conventions can be tricky, but once you get the hang of it, you will love it.

JavaScript as well as being a programming language for your browser, it also gives you access to the DOM (Document Object Model) and when you learn to manipulate it, can give you some really impressive looking results.

The reason I have added Javascript after PHP is that it looks rather similar to PHP in terms of the code and that with PHP you only have to worry about 2 or 3 real events. Page Load and then GET and POST. JavaScript has many more events and uses objects (HTML elements etc) to add to its functionality.

So the book I recommend for learning JavaScript is the JavaScript Bible (now in its 6th edition) by Danny Goodman et al. A brilliant book, set a good pace and has a massive reference section for you to look almost every property, method and attrbute in the language. It also teaches you about the DOM and how to create scripts that affect it, so is a very good all round.

There are more books that I have used but I will talk about them in my next post. These books will move in to more advanced areas including Object Oriented Programming, Ajax and a few other areas.

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